By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
It took the Raton City Commission about 20 minutes to move through the one item of business meeting agenda Tuesday evening.
That one major item on the agenda dealt with a grant from the New Mexico Aviation Division to pay for consumables at the airport. The grant is for $10,000 and the city will contribute their 10% matching money for the grant. The grant will cover maintenance consumables such as runway bulbs and markers and paint.
Commissioners then heard from City Manager Butch McGowen and appointed Bill Serazio to the airport board. In the city manager’s report McGowen updated commissioners on the Shuler Theater commemorative project that will be August 20. The Shuler Restoration committee has received an 8×16 cornerstone plaque to commemorate the 100th anniversary. The Multi-model project is still on hold because of the state Historic Preservation Department.
McGowen informed commissioners to look over the budget and if they have any questions to get with him this week as much of the city office staff and supervisors will be attending the procurement training next week.
McGowen also informed the commissioners about a special Amtrak Train that will come through Raton taking Ray Lang, Director of Governmental Affairs and Joe Boardman President and CEO of Amtrak to Springer on July 12, so they can go on to Philmont and the commissioners are invited to ride to Springer with them.
Commissioners will meet again on July 22 at 6:00 p.m. for their next regular meeting which will include the final budget to be submitted to the state.