Raton City Commission Speeds Through Meeting
By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The Raton city commission sped through an uneventful agenda Tuesday evening.
Mayor Pro-Tem Neal Segotta read the Relay for Life Proclamation then heard from commissioners about their appointed board meetings. Of note there Lake Maloya is one foot below the spillway. Raton Public Service has a new general manager, Dan Dible, who took over the reins on June 16. Jason Phillips was chosen to be the new Solid Waste Manager.
Commissioners then approved the May 2014 financial report. In that report it was noted that the GRT is down 4.14% from last year yet the cash balance as of May 31 was $936,784 just over $200k over the beginning balance of $726,486.
Commissioners approved a New Mexico Environment Department grant that will pay for the transportation of tire bails from the landfill to an approved site. The grant is for $35,568.
Commissioners then approved the Lodger’s Tax board recommendation to give Main Street an additional $201.54 as the advertising budget for Mexico Vive. The original amount approved was $2700 with the total advertising expewnse being $2901.54.
Commissioners approved the street closure for the St. Patrick’s St. Joseph’s Parish Fiesta and the July Fourth street dance at the Raton VFW Post 1793.
The contract with Service Organization for Youth to serve as the sub-contractor on the Juvenile Justice Grant was approved.
City Manager Butch McGowen informed the commission that the interim budget was approved an the final budget would be ready at the last meeting in July for fiscal year 2014-2015.
The Multimodal project is still delayed this time because of vacations at the state agencies involved namely the Environment Department.
The Solid Waste Study is progressing and it is expected to be completed soon and a meeting will be held in August to present the study to the public.
The roof on the Wells Fargo Building is complete and there is money being budgeted to complete the other repairs on the building this next year.
Computer problems have delayed things on the GRT ordinance but it will be ready for the last meeting in July.
Commissioners will meet again next month on July 8th at 6:00 p.m.