Raton City Commission Raises Aquatic Center Rates
By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton city commissioners approved raising admission rates for the Regional Aquatic Center at their regular meeting Tuesday evening.
The current day rate will go from $3 to $4 per visit. The rate will be applied to all visitors. The monthly memberships will increase by $5.00 and quarterly memberships will go up by $10. The 20-visit Punch Pass will increase from $50 to $60. The increase leaves rates less than those of Walsenburg and Trinidad but higher than Albuquerque parks which Nancy Poe, a member of the Parks and Rec Board, pointed out to the commission, she was the only member to vote against the rate hike.
Jim Grant had worked out a deal for the senior swim session. That too will go up but it was suggested that the Senior Center should look into wellness grants to help pay the increase and or setup a donation box or fund to help pay for those who are unable to pay the extra to go swim.
Commissioners approved Coronado Wrecking and Salvage to crush about 10,000 cubic feet of concrete rubble that the city has accumulated over the years. The material will be used in alleys to help build them up. Serazio Construction was the only other bidder with a bid at $192,000 while Coronado bid $125,313.
Commissioners approved $3,000 from the Lodger’s Tax Contingency fund to promote the 36th Annual Raton Rodeo.
Carol Woodworth was appointed to the Library Board. City Manager Butch McGowen told commissioners that New Mexico Department of Transportation will hold a public hearing on May 27, 2014 to discuss the south interchange project. This is the reason for moving the May 27 city commission meeting to 1:00 p.m. He also noted that there has been conversation with NMHU about low enrollment rates at the Raton campus and encourages all those that can should use the facilities.
The Landfill will close on May 16, 2014 and work has begun on the Wells Fargo building. There are now signed contracts turning the El Portal property over to the city. They are currently waiting on the deed to the property.
Commissioners then heard about the changes to the city budget and held a hearing to hear from the public. The interim budget will be finalized for the May 27 meeting. The budget will see savings of about $26,000 due to moving the Code Enforcement and Zoning over to the fire department.
Commissioners will meet again on May 27 at 1:00 p.m. due to the NMDOT meeting that evening.

I would like to thank the Raton Police Dept. and the Raton Fire/EMS for the great work and dedication to the community. Keep up the good work!