Taos 6 9 11 12 6 10 54
Raton 10 13 10 5 6 11 55
Taos High Point
Feliz Espinoza 20 3 of 8 free throws
Midnight Lujan 10 8 of 10 free throws
Free Throws 19 of 40 attempts
Raton High Point
Shania Dorrance 13 9 of 12 free throws
Free Throws 23 of 41 attempts
At the end of regulation play the score was tied at 38.
Needless to say it was a tight game with the Taos Lady Tigers never falling behind more than 12 points in the game.
Taos took off and scored first keeping the lead well into the first quarter before Raton finally found a handle on the ball and started scoring.
Free throws played a big part of this game in both the number of attempts and shot made as both teams hit less than 50% at the line.
Feliz Espinoza put up a three point shot from the right wing and well outside the three point line with only 2 seconds left in the first overtime to tie the game at 44.
Shania Dorrance put in two free throws to give Raton the lead in the second overtime. It would be the winning two points of the game.
By the end of the game Raton had lost four of their key players to fouls Mariah Romero, Sarandon Walton, Mikala Vertovec who fouled out first and Michelle Guara who got into foul trouble early
Taos coach Robert Trujillo had studied his opponent knowing who were shooters and who to get into foul trouble early. He was still studying video before the game.
![Taryn Trujillo was noted as a shooter, here she is double teamed by Feliz Espinoza (34) and Elena Espinoza (5) and just gets the pass off as](http://krtnradio.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/DT-1st-Rd-Raton-v-Taos_7454-682x1024.jpg)
![No Pressure, no pressure at all as Michelle Guara stands at the free throw with .6 seconds on the clock and two shots. Michelle makes one to tie and misses the other to send it into overtime.](http://krtnradio.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/DT-1st-Rd-Raton-v-Taos_7484-682x1024.jpg)
![A quick rest and into the first overtime for the first round of district tourney play](http://krtnradio.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/DT-1st-Rd-Raton-v-Taos_7487-1024x682.jpg)
![Shania Dorrance does the honors agains Midnight Lujan as they girls square off for the second overtime of the night. Mikala Vertovec who usually does the center jump had fouled out of the game.](http://krtnradio.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/DT-1st-Rd-Raton-v-Taos_7498-682x1024.jpg)
![Shania Dorrance at the line as she readies the shot, Shania put two through the hoop to put Raton in the lead and the win. Her two shot came with only seconds left on the clock.](http://krtnradio.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/DT-1st-Rd-Raton-v-Taos_7507-682x1024.jpg)
![Shania Dorrance goes up for the shot as Feliz Espinoza gets and hand on the ball and draws the foul sending Shania to the free throw line](http://krtnradio.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/DT-1st-Rd-Raton-v-Taos_7504-682x1024.jpg)
![With only seconds on the clock coaches Leon Romero and Sara Davis explain the plan. Raton went on to win the game with the score shown on the board.](http://krtnradio.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/DT-1st-Rd-Raton-v-Taos_7511-1024x682.jpg)