JV Game
Taos 14 15 13 24 66
Raton 13 10 5 10 38
Taos High Point
Isaac Esquibel 13 7 of 9 free throws
Landon Archuleta 19 3 of 5 free throws
AJ Fresquez 10 2 of 2 free throws
Free Throws 13 of 17 attempts
Raton High Point
Austin Jones 15 7 of 7 free throws
Jonathan Cabrieles 9 5 of 6 free throws
Free throws 14 of 20 attempts
Jesse Espinoza gets air as he goes by Landon Archuleta on his way to the basket during the JV game Saturday evening in Tiger Gym
Jonathan Cabrieles drives the lane as AJ Fresquez goes for the block and Johnny Martinez finds his way to the floor.
Jesse Espinoza drives the lane again late in the first quarter as Luke Dickinson works for the block during the JV game Saturday night in Tiger Gym
Varsity Game
Taos 13 19 12 23 67
Raton 15 11 18 8 53
Taos High Point
Shane Willis 14 2 of 4 free throws
Abran Trujillo 15 5 of 7 free throws
Free Throws 18 of 34 attempts
Raton High Point
Rashaan Craig 30 6 3-pointers 4 of 6 free throws
Free Throws 10 of 23 attempts
Rashaan Craig drives the lane as he moves in for two of his 30 points on the night against Taos Izzy Padilla (2) and Estevan Garcia (3)
Luis Ruiz makes the save during the varsity game in Tiger Gym Saturday night against Taos.
Dylan Query goes for the save Saturday evening during the varsity game in Tiger Gym against Taos.
Whoops there goes the ball as Anthony Brown headed to the lane Saturday evening againers Taos