JV Girls
Pojoaque 10 18 9 16 53
Raton 0 0 7 6 13
Pojoaque High Point
Kyana Montoya 17 2 of 3 free throws
Selina Trujillo 10
Free Throws 8 of 15 attempts
Raton High Point
Free Throws 6 of 12 attempts
Sophia Madelini just gets the pass off as she heads for the floor as Justice Ainsworth moved in for the ball
JV Boys
Pojoaque 10 26 28 8 72
Raton 7 5 9 12 33
Pojoaque High Point
Chris Quintana 13
Dominic Roybal 16
Free Throws 4 of 6 attempts
Raton High Point
J Espinoza 10
Free Throws 5 of 12 attempts
Tiger Jonathan Cabrieles drives to the basket as Elk Chris Fierro draws the foul
Varsity Girls
Pojoaque 14 15 5 13 49
Raton 10 15 19 13 57
Pojoaque High Point
Leslie Guterriez 17 7 of 9 free throws
Free Throws 13 of 22 attempts
Raton High Point
Mariah Romero 13 6 of 11 free throws
Mikala Vertovec 15 7 of 10 free throws
Michelle Guara 13 5 of 5 free throws
Varsity Boys
Pojoaque 8 17 26 26 77
Raton 7 3 16 17 43
Pojoaque High Point
Anthony Rodriquez 19 6 of 6 free throws
Matthew Herrera 17 3 of 4 free throws
Free Throws 13 of 22 attempts
Raton High Point
Dylan Query 14 4 of 9 free throws
Anthony Brown 14 3 of 10 free throws
Free Throws 9 of 27 attempts
Mikala Vertovec takes the tip from Gabby Gonzales Saturday night in Tiger Gym
Elkette Gabby Gonzales makes the grab away from Mariah Romero as she was headed for the basket.
Michelle Guara puts up the jumper early in the Game with Pojoaque Saturday night
Its a high pass that Kaylee Salazar just makes as Sarandon Walton and Shania Dorrance are there to contest the pass.
Mikala Vertovec goes for the jumper in the third with a 28-29 score.
Shania Dorrance at the free throw line will tie the score at 29. The girls went on to win the game 57-49.
Dylan Query flies toward the basket as Elk Chris Cordova and Matthew Herrera go for the block.
Matthew Herrera got a hand on the ball as Tiger Anthony Brown moved to the basket
Kevin Fanelli powered through as Matthew Herrera (24) and Kevin Herrera (12) worked for the block.
Exchange Student Pietro Paciosi is at the free throw line, Darn he missed that one though.