By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton city commissioners breezed through a fairly mundane agenda Tuesday evening at City Hall.
Commissioners approved the December 2013 financial report, which include the second quarter of the fiscal year. They approved the pay schedule for the precinct workers for the March 2014 municipal election. Pay will run from $125 for the presiding judge to $20 for alternates.
Mayor LeDoux then opened the meeting for a public hearing for a liquor license for Rincon Nortena. City Manager Butch McGowen indicated that all requirements had been met and hearing no disapproval commissioners gave their approval for the license.
Resolution 2014-04 was approved designating official custodians of public records in each department. They then approved changes to bank signature cards for the safety deposit boxes the city has.
Commissioners approved Molzen Corbin to provide the city with airport engineering services.
City Manager McGowen informed commissioners that the audit exit meeting will be held on February 11th. RCI will return in March for training on the financial software and in June to finish the capital assets inventory to meet the next audit.
Capital outlay requests have been made and will be carried to the legislature and introduce their by Senator Campos on behalf of Raton. McGowen mentioned that the gross receipts were down slightly and that some adjustments will need to be made in the upcoming budget discussion. He added, “some very hard decisions will have to be made.” He also talked about the city’s debt service noting the biggest debt the aquatic center and calling it that white elephant.
McGowen noted that Fire Chief Jim Matthews was chosen to help with emergency services for the president’s state of the union address as part of a regional delegation of emergency responders.
Commissioners will meet again on February 11th for their next regular meeting.