By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Once again the Traveling Trophy of the Knights of Columbus Oratorical Contest went to the Maxwell School System who will retire the trophy this year with their many wins. Maxwell was well represented by Rebecca Galli and Thomas Casper who took first and second place respectfully in Division II. The theme for the contest was America; How can we help and the speeches were as varied as the individuals giving them. One particular theme in the speeches was the dependence on electronics and how it was affecting life in the this country.
Below are the videos from the top three winners in each division

Division 1 Ages 12-14 Winners
L to R Third Place Halle Medina, Second Place Noah Schoonover, First Place Estrella Vargas

Division II Age 15-18
L to R Third Place Janna E Mills, Second Place Thomas Casper, First Place Rebecca Galli.

Fantastic Speeches From Our Maxwell Students!!! We are proud of you for representing our school well !!!
Awesome Maxwell Kids!! We are so very proud of you all!! Woohoo!!!