By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Four teens were arrested Saturday in Raton after they had been reported to be here by authorities in Wisconsin.
At about 10:15 am Raton Police received a call from authorities in Wisconsin about four teens, one female and three males. The call indicated that the suspects had stolen a vehicle and were in Raton. Raton Police, Colfax County Sheriff’s Department and New Mexico State Police located the suspects on the roof of the Best Western Motel and Restaurant and were taken into custody with the help of the Raton Fire and Emergency Services, who helped retrieve them from the roof of the building..
Blake Bergeron (18), was arrested and transported to Vigil Maldonado Detention Center while the other three juveniles were taken to the Taos Juvenile Detention Center after the female teen had been treated at Miner’s Colfax Medical Center according to Raton Police Chief Terry Sisneros. Sisneros indicated that the investigation here in Raton was on going.
The minivan that was located in Raton had been reported stolen from Roggen, Colorado. The teens had been on the run since Monday evening when they left Eau Claire, Wisconsin. Thursday night they were involved in a police chase by Washington and Morgan county Colorado authorities according to the Colorado Bureau of Investigation. The stolen vehicle they were in was found abandoned in Roggen.
According to a report on www.thedenverchannel .com an alert had been put out for Breanna Gomez after police found her diabetic medication in the stolen vehicle that was left in Colorado. It was felt without the medication Gomez could suffer seizures. The report went on to say Gomez had recently been released from a juvenile detention facility in Wisconsin. The teen was wearing an ankle-monitoring device but Wisconsin authorities said it stopped transmitting on December 18 or 19 when Gomez failed to charge the device.
Gomez was believed to be traveling with her boyfriend, Spencer Linville, and two other friends on their way to California.
Update: Below are the individuals that are associated with this incident.
Timothy Engstrumcruz: (15) missing person (no photo available)