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Coach Zack Romero
Coach Zack Romero

This story began back in August of 1982, when the late, great Lewis Stratton, Superintendent of Roy Schools hired me to teach Social Studies.  One day Mr. Stratton asked me if I liked basketball.  I said “Sure!” 


The next thing I  knew I was coaching Boys Junior High Basketball, followed by Junior High Girls Basketball, Boys JV and Varsity Basketball, Boys and Girls Track and of course, Volleyball.


Skip to 1992 when I was hired by Mrs. Thelma Coker, Superintendent of Cimarron Municipal Schools.  I continued coaching Boys JV and Varsity Basketball, Boys JV and Varsity Baseball, and of course, Volleyball.


Fast forward to the summer of 2009.  I was hired by Superintendent David Wilden to be the head coach of the Girl’s  Vollyball program.  During the last five years the Raton Tiger Varsity Volleyball team went to State four out of those five years.  We produced a District Championship Squad and had a winning record every season.


It is also unfortunate that during this last five year period that my Parkinson’s Disease has increased to a level whereby I have come to the decision that it is necessary for me to step down as the head coach of the Raton Volleyball Program.


I’d like to say “Thank You” to all the past and present: administrators and school boards, assistant coaches, faculties, student athletes, custodial staff, and of course to  Todd Wildermuth, Leroy Chavez, Bob Morris and Bill D for all that they’ve done to have positively supported myself and all the kids that I have had the pleasure and privilege of coaching over these last thirty-one years.


It is with great respect that I close in saying “Go Longhorns!”  “Go Rams!”  “Go Tigers!”

Bueno, Bye.


Coach Jack Romero

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