Kickin’ ‘Round The Neighborhood!
By Debbie
“Got ‘er done!”
Jami Esquibel just returned from Phoenix AZ. She “Got ‘er done” for the sixth time, along with around 700 other walkers. Jami has been doing the Susan G Komen 3 Day Walk for a Cure for six years and is already planning on the seventh with her niece.
She has the courage, determination and commitment to walk 60 miles in three days. She has to raise a minimum amount of money to enter the walk, plus her expenses of getting there and back. She raised $4345.34. That is not the least of her efforts. This walk will also cost her a toenail, sunburn and a blister under a callus!
Jami was in this AM and showed me pictures from AZ. I hope to share some of them on this site. One is taken at 20 miles… looking pretty good there, girlfriend. The next one is taken at 40 miles….. lookin’ a little burned and worse for wear. At 60 miles… Is that YOU???? She will not let me post it, unless I cover up her picture with something else.
Well, that something else is her special hat. She came in to show it off before she left. It will keep her neck from getting sunburned. It has a lot of pins attached that represent the walks that she has completed.
Maybe next year she will wear a hat that goes all the way to the ground. Capris are wonderfully cool in the AZ heat, but her calves got so burned, a total stranger came up to her and handed her a bottle of sunscreen. She tried to explain that she had on a thick coat of sunscreen, but the lady persisted.
Jami, you are my heroine. Because of people like you, there will be a cure found….. sooner than later. Thank you for your courage and commitment.