By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton city commissioners worked through another short meeting Tuesday night at City Hall.
Commissioners approved Resolution 2013-43, the first quarter financial report. Mayor Bobby LeDoux mentioned that the report is much easier to read and understand and thanked Michael Ann Antonucci for her work with the new look.
Fire Fund monies will be used to build a new fire station on Troy Avenue, which will have zero impact on the general fund. The Raton Fire and Emergency Services has recommended the use of a design/build model as the low-bid procurement method has seen limited bidders and higher than normal prices for construction of government projects.
RFES has worked with two different companies on the process and recommends Facility Build of Albuquerque because their preliminary construction pricing is approximately 50% lower per square foot. Commissioners approved resolution 2013-44 so RFES can move forward on the project.
Commissioners passed Resolution 2013-45, the second budget adjustment for the fiscal year. This adjustment deals with moving money for insurance premiums into a fund category used for that purpose. The city also moved narcotics monies into an operating expense line item in the same fund.
City Manager Butch McGowen recommended Tucker Berry, the lone applicant, for the zoning and planning board, that appointment was put on hold. The city needs to look at the city ordinance to determine if being a property owner in the city limits or being age 18 is a prerequisite for being on that advisory board.
McGowen reminded the commissioners about the Amtrak meeting in Santa Fe in November. He also noted that State Representative Dennis Roch will be in Raton on November 2, to look over the city’s Capital Improvement plan.
McGowen also thanked the Raton Schools for coming up with 25% for the school resource officer grant match money. The grant is for three years at which time the police department will have to reapply for the grant or absorb the officer into the department.
The commission will meet again for their next regular meeting on November 12 at 6:00 p.m.
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