By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Fire Fighters were called out early Sunday morning May 14, for a house fire that grew rapidly and consumed two structures in the event.
The call came in at 5:54 a.m. reporting a house fire in the 600 block of North Second Street in North Raton. Raton Fire and Emergency Services along with Colfax County Rapid Response fire fighters had their hands full as they arrived on scene to find a small house fully on fire with other structures close by threatened by the flames.
Due to the proximity of adjacent buildings and the winds, structure protection became a priority for fire fighters. Unfortunately the building only a few feet south of the original house was threatened by the high flames. Soon the second structure had caught fire and due to its age and building materials was quickly becoming engulfed.
Raton Fire’s Ladder Truck was called in and arrived on scene to pour water on the roof of the two story duplex as the roof collapsed. With water pouring on the flames the smoke boiled out of the second story obscuring the building from sight. Fire Fighters continued to work the fire for a several hours Sunday.
The cause of the fire is under investigation. The house where the fire began was occupied at the the time of the fire and the individual did escape the fire.