The holiday decorating contest with Raton Beautiful will be taking nominations from December 1st to December 15th. In order to submit a home or business, you will need to send a photo to Raton Beautiful on Facebook. Votes will be taken by the number of “likes” on the photos. Vote as many times as you like, you can share and round up as many votes however you wish but votes must be made on their page only in order for them to count! If you’re a business owner and would like to donate a prize, please message them.
Today and tomorrow, November 26th and 27th the boot will be out with the Raton Fire Department accepting monetary and NEW toy donations for this year’s Toys for Tots. They are accepting NEW unwrapped toys for children aged newborn to 18 years of age. If you would like to volunteer to help wrap gifts, the fire department will be wrapping gifts December 21st in the downstairs of the Raton Convention Center at 9 AM until they are all wrapped.
Delivery of the gifts will be December 22nd and 23rd to the homes of the children nominated. To nominate a child aged newborn to 18 years, you need to go to the office of Valle del Sol located at 101 Letton Drive or call them at 575-383-2065. The cutoff date for this is December 16, 2019.
Personnel will be out collecting toy and monetary donations at Super Save today and tomorrow from 9 AM to 7 PM. You may also contact a fire fighter Chris Espinoza, Anthony Burke Assistant Chief, Jacob Butt or Christian Snyder.

Collection places for this event include:
- Fire Station 1 located at 127 Clark Ave from 8 AM – 5 PM
- Fire Station 2 located at 200 W Troy Ave from 8 AM to 8 PM
- FNB New Mexico 1104 S 2nd Street Raton
- InBank Main Branch 200 S 2nd Street Raton
- Phil Long Ford Raton 223 S 2nd Street
- Enchanted Grounds 111 Park Ave