By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The Raton Intermediate School showed off their newly remodeled lunch room Thursday evening September 26, 2019 during a short open house.
The expanded lunch room was a vision created by Raton Schools maintenance supervisor and Myra Baird the schools finance manager that began back in March 2019. With help from Alpine Lumber who custom made the new counter and the help of a $250 Walmart grant, paint and other supplies were purchased.
The expanded space features student artwork that was brought to together to create a mural while flowers and plants were painted on the windows looking out into the school garden. Principal Christi Medina noted that the students really enjoyed picking vegetables from the garden which are used to make food for the cafeteria.
Michael Romero Sandoval the food service manager for A’viands, the school food service company, is committed to bringing more quality homemade meals to the students. The plan that he and Baird are hoping to create will teach healthy eating habits and include a new water bottle filling station to help focus on the health and wellness of the students.