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Voters Shoot Fee Down

It was called a tax, a service fee, a cost of service fee and a franchise fee. What ever you call it, the $6.00 was being touted as too much for many people on a fixed income and by some, as simply wrong. 

The city of Raton however, was saying it was needed in order to help keep current levels of service at the fire department and police department. The money was going to be used to keep three positions filled at the fire department and two at the police department. The remainder would be used elsewhere. 

Concerned citizens collected enough signatures to force the city commission to put the question to a vote by the citizens of Raton, instead of the commission voting it in. This Tuesday (September 3) voters went to the poles and voted the fee down. These results are unofficial.

Absentee  72 Against   97 For

Convention Center  170 Against  168 For

St Patricks  199 Against  85 For


441 Against the fee

350 For the fee 

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